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Home / Catalog / Categories
Select by category helps you quickly find the necessary program for its intended purpose . If you know the name of the program, enter it into the search bar at the top of the site or use filter programs by name.

For your convenience, each category / sub-category has a detailed description, the right of the category name in parentheses indicates the total number of programs belonging to the selected category. Many categories contain subcategories qualifying, with which it is convenient to specify the criteria for selecting software.


В категории «Базы данных» вы найдете различные системы управления базами данных (СУБД) ведущих производителей программного обеспечения (Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, SAP и др.), полезные инструменты для работы с базами данных: мощные, надежные, эффективные интеллектуальные платформы управления данными (системы OLAP анализа), утилиты и плагины, расширяющие базовый функционал СУБД.

The category does not contain software products. Please select another category, use search or contact our consultants.

Sales of licensed software

We offer our clients a wide range of software products from leading manufacturers. Our professional managers will help pick up the necessary software, to understand the peculiarities of their licensing will help place your order on the site, prepare a favorable quotation.

Buying software for the office with us, you can be absolutely sure of its authenticity. Our company has all the necessary permissions and statuses of all the documents accompanying the deal, drawn up in accordance with applicable law and FDR.

Sales of licensed software in our company - the individual approach and a focus on solving customer problems. We carry out complex software delivery, picking up the package in accordance with the profile of your business, budget and number of users of the products. Properly fitted licensing schemes that are used by us in the sale of licensed software (licensed program) guarantee optimize your software acquisition costs.

Buy the software is very simple - just pick the right license software using the catalog of our website and order online or by phone. Supply of licenses in the shortest time - our challenge
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Exchange rates
Rate of Russian Central Bank. Updated: 10.11.2022 01:15
1 EURO = 61.2445 руб.
1 USD = 61.0611 руб.
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